Thursday, May 10, 2012

Like a Wildfire

Sometimes I say (or write) something and for some reason what I said just lingers and doesn't go away. Those are the times when I wish I had just spit the words out and could be done with them already. But, no, it must but the Holy Spirit tugging at me. If you've had that kind of experience with the Holy Spirit then you know what I mean. So here goes. When you start a blog on this site it asks you to write a profile. I did that. No biggie. In it I mentioned something about spreading the gospel. Major biggie! Those words haven't left me since I diligently pecked them out on the keyboard about two weeks ago. What does it mean to spread the gospel? Heck if I know! I mean, really. How does one spread the gospel and why do I think I've been assigned to do such a thing. I don't know, for sure, that it is my assignment but I can't help myself or keep myself from doing what this is I am doing. I am one of those types of persons that if I had something good I would share it. Doesn't matter what it is. I just share. I'm not a small person by no means. I admit I like food. Did I say like? I meant love. If I come across something good I say to my family oh my goodness you've got to taste this. My son is my usual guinea pig. We've shared some good, fun moments over me sharing food. Most recently at Trader Joe's sampling Cookie Butter. I tried a sample of the spread on a slice of apple and thought it was the best thing ever. I must have spent about ten minutes trying to convince my son to try it. Cookie Butter. Cookie Butter? finally he relented and asked for a sample. If you could have seen the look on his face after he tasted it and discovered that he liked it. After that taste he was the one who suggested we purchase a jar. We were a pair of giggling fools looking for the stuff. Anyway, I think that is how the gospel is spread, by taste. I couldn't tell my son how good that Cookie Butter was. I mean it sounds awful. How does it sound when someone tells you about God or Christianity? It sounds like a lot of hard work! It sounds like giving up fun. It sounds like living the the life of a Quaker or an Amish person. It sounds like knocking on doors to hand out pamphlets early weekend mornings and knowing people are in the house hiding from you. It sounds like here comes so and so with all that holy roller business and I know what so and so used to do before they got all sanctified and stuff. That's what it sounds like. So back to spreading the gospel. People see the Christ in you and then want a taste. Your life, that taste, is what spreads the gospel. That's my thought anyway. I don't have to go door to door. (But I will if the Lord guides me to do so- don't get me wrong.) As a believer you are the pamphlet. Simply continue living your life but now live it as if you have tasted something good. If you think you will give something up, trust me, you will. The Lord restores it! You literally have nothing to lose and a whole new life in Christ Jesus to gain. I'm just saying. Taste the Lord and see how much giggling you do when you discover how good He is. How about an all out belly laugh when He delivers you from a vice you couldn't shake on your own? Just a taste. I dare you. Watch, then , how the gospel spreads like a wildfire. Suggested reading: Psalm 34:8, 1 Corinthians Chapter 9 1 Cor 9:19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.

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