This morning I was having a textversation (my own word) with a friend about Abraham and Sarah. I initiated this particular textversation to follow up an actual phone conversation we had last night, a conversation which still lingers on my mind. What better way to "voice" my opinion without interruption than to text? Don't hate the method! Does it not say in Matthew Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves? (10:16) I was being wise as a serpent in an effort to get my two cents in, OK?
We never came to an agreement on the initial matter, adultery. In fact the textversation devolved into something entirely different. It became a contest, of sorts, about who reads what and how much of it. In the end it was suggested that I do some research and was told "lean not unto your own understanding". What the what what? I responded with two questions although more were in the works. The first was "am I not supposed to read for my own revelation?". The second was "am I supposed to lean on your understanding?". Had I been astute I would have text-ed to him the ENTIRE scripture from which he was quoting: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding" Proverbs 3:5. That would have shut it down! Trust in the LORD, Halleluiah, not man's understanding.
Truth be told I do not know who was leaning more between the two of us. And it all seems rather silly now. Each of us, really, was trying to prove one was more knowledgeable than the other, or, rather, had a better understanding of the word. Had it been a real battle of who knows scripture better goodness knows I would have lost because I have a terrible memory. He, on the other hand, is well versed.
Bottom line is none of the textversation was uplifting and none of it glorified God. We were both lacking in understanding. There are standard interpretations of scripture that can be found everywhere. However, I do believe the word is revealed to each person differently. What does the word mean to you? How does it apply to your life? Even better how do you apply it to your life? Hopefully not to challenge someone else but to uplift someone.
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