Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Handmaiden's Prayer

Here I am, Father God, at your mercy living by Your grace and tender-loving kindness. I am but your humble servant, Lord, to do as you will.  Everything that I am I give to You.  All that I can be and will be I dedicate to You also.  You are every breath I breathe. I know full well that without You I am nothing.  I know that at any given moment I can return to the dust from which I was created.  From my mother’s womb You called me by name and predestinated me to be a sword, a fiery brand, the meaning of my name. I carry the sword of the Spirit and etched in my heart is your Word.  My purpose is to make Your name great.  My purpose is to protect Your Word.  My Purpose is to publish Your Word and that I will do being confident of this very thing, that You who has begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.  I vow on this day that good work will be to minister to You until the day of Jesus Christ.  I am your handmaiden, your bondwoman and all I do is towards you my God, my Savior, my King.  I bless Your holy name and continually praise you in my heart and spirit. I endeavor to remain ever mindful that all the honor and glory is yours and yours alone. There is none that is higher or beside You.  It is You alone that I worship and adore.  You brought me up from the ashes and dung heap and took my rejection and gave me acceptance.  Through the death and resurrection of your precious only begotten Son, Jesus, You gave me salvation and give me peace.  For that I am eternally grateful.  I pray these and all things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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