Monday, March 24, 2014

In The Company of Scribes

Blessed Father God, look at your children! The earnest expectation of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God– look how they are standing up to be counted, ready to go to war as scribes!  Pens in hand as mighty swords, one by one they are answering the call and awaiting instruction.  Let them not get weary in waiting thinking it was a false alarm.  No, the trumpet has sounded and it’s time to prepare.  Prepare their hearts, O Lord, that they will not only hear from You but receive your instruction and burn with passion and zeal for your word. 

Let them be driven to carry out all that You have given them to do.  As they stand up, Father God, let them begin to walk together encouraging one another, fasting and praying together in obedience to your will– that all scribes be instructed unto the kingdom of heaven.  Let them not fall by the wayside in discouragement thinking their gifts don’t matter or no one will hear their voice.  Each one saves one.  I pray, Father God, as they begin to stand and be counted they will also stand as Ezra did, sold out and on fire for You.  Let them stand wholly committed to Jesus, Your precious Word.  Holy Spirit help me help them see the beauty each one possesses and demonstrate how absolutely vital and loved they are as individuals and as a company.  We should all know what we’ve been given to do doesn’t take great skill– it takes great obedience.  It takes great courage. It takes great faith- faith so great it takes a mustard seed to contain it! Oh, but what faith bursts forth from that tiny seed; faith to set people free not because of a jury’s verdict, no! People set free because an army of scribes took to task your word and put pen to paper and got the job done! Hallelujah in their homes, in their churches, and in the streets of their cities and even on the job they are sharing your word! Deliverance at the tip of a pen driven by scribes operating under the Scribal Anointing working in unity with Holy Spirit.  Not a tribe called quest but a tribe called Ezra on a quest to snatch souls from the grasp of the pit.  A tribe speaking from the very heart of God interceding and reclaiming territory for the Kingdom! One small leap of faith after another breaking the chains of hell because who Jesus sets free is free indeed!  Yes, Father God, an army of scribes not used to entertain but an army of scribes with Jesus working through them setting the captives FREE! 

We are an army of scribes committed to living lives of holiness, teaching and protecting the word. We are a prayerful army; an army full of prayer relying solely on You, Father God, as our source shunning pride and haughtiness.  We will remain humble but we will ever be a force to be reckoned with, pen in hand ready to reveal treasures both old and new.  Truly if God be for us who can stand against us?  What can stop the flow of ink, the spoken word, or any of the prophetic arts from going forth; an army of uncircumcised Philistines? Not as long as we know our gifts come from You, gifts for which we give You all the honor, glory, and praise.  Individually and collectively WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT YOU Author and Finisher of our lives.  You are the beginning and the end; Alpha and Omega.  Thy will be done through us, Father God, till every knee bows to the name of Jesus, till every soul cries out Jesus save me we will keep it moving, keep it pushing and keep it real, holy and sanctified by the blood of Jesus the risen Christ in whose mighty name we pray, amen!


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