One could guess by the title I had some difficulty choosing one. If you have seen the movie or read the book, "The Help" you surely recognize the reference but more on that later. These days my memory is a little fuzzy but I seem to recall a time not too long ago when Al Gore and George W. Bush were running for President of the United States. Al Gore believed he had won the election but the victory went to George W. Bush. My intention is not to discuss politics neither is it to debate the details of that particular election, I simply want to point out that expected victories can get taken away if we let them.
As believers we know that Jesus Christ, through His death and resurrection, was victorious over death. 1 Cor 15:22 states: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. And still, we walk around spiritually dead and defeated. Well I demand a recount and want to know who poohed in my pie!
Why is it that we accept and believe so many biblical truths and still struggle with sin and defeat? Jesus died on the cross for our sins and we constantly reclaim them and oftentimes wallow in them. What is it about us that makes it so easy to live a life of misery and despair, because that is what living in sin is, and not cling to what we know to be true?
Why is it that something freely given, the gift of salvation, is so hard to receive? Are we so proud?
It's like having a birthday and expecting all the attention and gifts that go along with the celebration and then hating yourself for wanting the attention and gifts. Let's take it one step further and pretend you have a particular gift in mind that you are hoping to receive. You drop hints about it. You have priced it and know how costly it is but it's your birthday and you are expectantly not expecting it. The big day comes and, lucky you, someone purchases it for you and gives it to you for your special day. Instead of accepting it graciously you tell the person "oh, you shouldn't have this is much too costly and I cannot accept this". It does not change the fact that the gift was still purchased!
By dying on the cross Jesus purchased our salvation, our freedom; our victory. And here we are saying "oh, you shouldn't have, that's way too costly" and choose instead to live defeated lives. The purchase was final. There is no exchange or return. One must either accept the gift or decline it. The gift remains, for a limited time only, until you are ready to receive it.
I wonder who it was that coined the phrase "guilty pleasure". If you enjoy chocolate pie then by all means enjoy it. Do not start counting the calories and figuring out how you are going to work them off. By the time you figure everything out there is no enjoyment to be had and there may as well be pooh in the pie!
We should not feel guilty about the pleasure of knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is a gift we should accept graciously with humility and thanksgiving. We should live victoriously and celebrate the priceless gift we have been given! How dare we let the circumstances and challenges of world be the pooh in our pie. Now, ain't life sweet?
Suggested reading 1 Corinthians Chapter 15, Ephesians 2:8
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