Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Black Box

Of all the things I wake up with today it was ‘black box’.  Even for me it was a little strange but then as more words came and in light of the recent tragedies involving Asiana Airlines and the train that derailed in Spain, both of which had black boxes, it became less strange even as the images presented on television of those events began to replay in my mind.  I wish I could say the first thing I did when I eventually got up out of bed was begin to write, but no, I had to handle a nature call- quickly!  You would think even that would be a normal routine- usually it is but not this morning.  My two year old nephew was outside the door knocking and saying “Open up, I must defeat you!”  Ironically what he was saying went right along with the conversation I was having in prayer and with the black box.  Anyway, after washing my hands I opened the door to find Timmy wielding his Power Ranger sword in his full armor- a T shirt and a diaper, in a stance that indicated he was ready for combat.  I love that kid. Skillfully avoiding mortal injury I decided to look up black box on Wikipedia and what I found was interesting.  Here is what I found:

Black box

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In science and engineering, a black box is a device, system or object which can be viewed in terms of its input, output and transfer characteristics without any knowledge of its internal workings. Its implementation is "opaque" (black). Almost anything might be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm, or the human mind.
The opposite of a black box is a system where the inner components or logic are available for inspection, which is sometimes known as a clear box, a glass box, or a white box.[1]
If you read further along in the article you will see this:
Other uses of the term
  • In aviation, a "black box" (they are actually bright orange, to facilitate their being found after a crash) is an audio or data recording device in an airplane or helicopter. The cockpit voice recorder records the conversation of the pilots and the flight data recorder logs information about controls and sensors, so that in the event of an accident investigators can use the recordings to assist in the investigation. Although these devices were originally called black boxes for a different reason, they are also an example of a black box according to the meaning above, in that it is of no concern how the recording is actually made.[2]
As it relates to you and me the black box is our heart and mind.  The data it records, input, are past experiences.  The output is how we choose to live our lives in response to the input.  Sometimes we live as Asiana Airline, although we haven’t necessarily crashed, we fly too low and don’t reach the altitude or heights God has set for us to soar.  We even miss His runway- that place where we know we are on solid ground.  We are virtually flying too low and too slow being outside of God’s will and timing.
On the other hand, as in the case of the train, we are traveling too fast trying to make up time or force God’s hand.  We get a word from the Lord and, instead of waiting on His perfect timing; we set our minds to do things our way instead of co-laboring with God.  Yes, we are on the right track but we are too busy being on the track and not really listening or following the Holy Spirit’s instructions.  In this case, when there’s a turn, or God wants you to change direction- be it a new spiritual gift, a deeper relationship or fellowship with Him, we totally miss the turn and overshoot the destination- we come off the rails.  
The Lord is looking for our black box to analyze it and repair the damage.  Jeremiah 29:11 says
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  (NIV)  As Timmy would say He wants to defeat the hurt and pain.  He wants to put the sword to offenses.  Without acknowledging it we have crashed and the debris of our lives is spread out all over the tarmac.  Parts of us have died but we keep going like the energizer bunny;  dead dreams, lost ambition, lost hope- we’re going and going and going hobbling and limping facing the world with a smile but on the inside we have fully retreated and hidden ourselves from the world to avoid the input of more hurt.  Jesus wants to restore all that was lost.  He wants you to soar like an eagle at the altitude He has set for you; not fear.  
Ok, I just have to stop a minute to note that Timmy just came into the room with a black box on his head- one of those soft storage things that ordinarily has books or toys in it.  He just tried to take off running with it still on his head but his mom stopped him to tell him to take it off his head saying ‘You can’t run with a black box on your head!”  No you can’t.                 
