Saturday, June 30, 2012

How Great: Talking to Myself

Oh, great. I finally get a chance to sleep in and I awaken at 6:30a.m. on a Saturday morning!  It's been a long week and I am tired.  I was really looking forward to catching up on some much needed rest.  Some part of my brain was saying never mind the fact that you are lucky to be alive, blessed actually. 

The bigger part of my brain was pouting like a six year old demanding more sleep.  In the midst of the battle my brain was waging against itself, good to be awake so early versus not so good to be awake so doggone early, there was yet another, quieter, part of my brain that was thinking what to post in the prayer group this morning.  Why am I up so early?  You need to go to the farmer's market early and see if they have fresh beets.  You can use the NutriBullet you just got and start Terri Jordan's cleansing/juicing diet for real this time.  Which farmer's market, Pomona or the one at Mt.SAC? Pomona is much closer.  Got to go to the ATM remember you left cash in your lab coat pocket at work yesterday. Prayer group post.  When was the last time you posted for the blog? Why am I awake again?  Prayer group! Check on Facebook to see if anyone has posted yet... Shush brain, let me think!

(The still small voice: "count your blessings").  Alright,  I will post about blessings. I believe it will start like "In the midst of struggle or conflict we have the most difficulty counting blessings.  We tend to get overly consumed with fret and worry that we overlook the small signals God sends, blessings, to let us know that He is there but we still need to get through the particular circumstance we are going through." Well... ok but lame.  What scripture will you include? Why am I awake again?

(Joseph.) What? JOSEPH.  Talk about Joseph.  Joseph's brothers turned against him and sold him into slavery but his situation did not change him.  He stayed true to himself and faithful to the Lord while in captivity.  He rose above his circumstance and was given a position of authority in the realm of his captor. He endures and is blessed.  He then not only blesses his brothers but an entire nation all while, technically, being in bondage!  How in the world does that make sense?  How is my life like Joseph's?  Wow!  Thank you, Holy Spirit for your revelation and for bringing to remembrance the Word that is in me.  How great You are for waking me up this morning!

Suggested reading:The story of Joseph in Genesis, Genesis 39:5

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


How faithful we are patiently waiting for God to open the windows of heaven to pour out blessings.  We are patient and longsuffering to be overtaken with blessings.  Our expectations are great yet our offerings are meek and humble.  I understand the Bible speaks about being humble and the meek shall inhabit the earth but what has that to do with what we give God?  Have you not heard the Lord loves a cheerful giver or you will reap what you sow?  We serve a great God and He is worthy of great praise!

When the Israelites praised God they went all out and PRAISED God.  Some people go to church and barely clap their hands during worship service or hardly acknowledge when they do receive a blessing.  In James 1:17 it is written: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.  WE OUGHT TO GIVE GOD PRAISE! He is surely praiseworthy.  Instead we are meek and humble when it comes to expressing our love towards God.  Perhaps it is the fear of letting people know how much we actually do love God lest we are labeled as a "Jesus Freak" or something when we are in public.  In church perhaps it is the fear of having someone think we are faking or clamoring for attention as the reason why we do not openly praise God as we should.  So we just stand there being cool.  What if God was meek and humble when it comes to blessing his people?  How chillax do you want God to be when you are in desperate need for healing?  Can you imagine a reserved God?  Our God works wonders and performs miracles! There's no subtlety in that so don't be subtle with your praise or your offerings for that matter.  PRAISE Him. WORSHIP Him. Honor Him, LOVE Him and by all means don't be meek about it.

Suggested reading: Ex 32:18, 1 Sam 4:6, 1 Chron 15:28, Psalms 33:3, 66:1, 81:1,
Psalms 95:1-2, 98: 4,6; Mal 3:10, Deut 28:2

1 Chron 5:13-14 It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God.

It's In Your Prays

   I am hard pressed to think of anything more important than an open communication line between oneself and God.  As much as I'd like to think I have a good relationship with God I really do not.  There are moments when I feel genuinely connected to and inspired by the Holy Spirit, however,  they are but moments.  My goal is to have a David-type of relationship with God.  Moments are not enough; I want more and better.

   You know how someone can be described as being in the moment? Well I wish to stay in that [spiritual] moment.  Does that makes sense?  There is not a time when the Lord is not on my mind in some way, shape or form.  I usually wake up in the morning thinking of how I might I serve Him or wonder what situation will present itself that I can use for the advantage of God's kingdom to spread the Good News.  Yet I feel like something is missing.  It is too easy to be outside of those "moments".  I've just about narrowed it down to my prays.  (Miss-spelling intended!) 

   Prays is your praise.  Or praise is your prays.  However you want to say it they are interchangeable, I think, and you cannot have one without the other.  I use the word prays as opposed to prayers because, to me, prayers can easily become rote recitations whereas prays show action and relationship.  When one prays it is a form of praise that shows God's position in your life is one of importance.  It shows that you consider Him and you value your relationship with Him.  Prays builds trust.  Praise builds trust. 

As you trust Him more He will trust you more. Your "prayers' will no longer be recitations but praise and conversations.  As your prays grow and develop so, too, will your praise.  He is listening.   Prays develops your ear for God and causes you to act on His word. The revelations He has specifically for you enable you to live by His word through an activated indwelling Holy Spirit.  Oh, there is much to praise him for!  

  If you find yourself lacking in power or authority over your circumstances increase your praise.  If you find yourself lacking in power or authority over your circumstances increase your prays.  Stay in the moment!

Suggested reading: James 5:13, Phil 4:6, Col 4:2, 1 Thes 5:17, Isaiah 65:24, Psalms 150:6, 22:3, 32:6, Psalms 55:17, 66:19-20, 67:3-5, Luke 21:36

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spin City

It is not uncommon for a biblical principle to be given a worldly re-characterization or connotation.  For example "what goes around comes around" or "whatever you put into the universe will return to you", or karma. We as believers understand that there is power in the tongue.  With our words and through our faith in Christ Jesus we can speak healing and/or authority over certain situations.  But what happens when we are out of order and curse someone?  What about gossip?

 In the Bible there are many scriptures that warn against gossip.  Not only is it hurtful to the one it is perpetrated against but it but it can be detrimental to own soul.  Proverbs 21:23 succinctly states: "whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles".  That scripture alone should make those with a burning desire to "tell it like it is" reconsider.  And yes, I am preaching to myself with that one.  The need to gossip or, better yet,  attack another person's character is frequently nothing more than a ruse to cover up personal offenses.  It is a diversion.  Look at that person instead of me.  Let's point out that person's faults rather than seek the Lord to help me deal with our own. 
Join me in my misery; I could use the company.

Gossip is a sign of being out of order.  It is devilish and yet another gateway that leads to a downward spiral of sin lest you repent.  Many things done or said happen because they are thought to occur in secret.  Believe you me there are no secrets either worldly or spiritually.  God searches the heart: Psalms 7:9 Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. Not to mention the devil who is constantly seeking whom to devour next.  Loose yourself from offenses and their propensity to lead to gossip.  Tell the devil you're not such easy pray and to keep it moving.

Suggested reading: 1 Cor 4:14, 1Peter 5:8, Job 1:7, Luke 17:1, Psa 101:5, Pro 10:18-20, Eccl 10:20, 1 Cor 4:14